Friday, 13 September 2013

Famous Sporting Icon Day

Today we all had sporting icon day and most of us dressed up as a famous sporting icon. Here is a photo of me in my costume oh by the way I went as Sam Rapaura he is a Warriors rugby league player. I chose to be Sam because my steep dad likes him.  I hope you like it :-)


  1. Cool costume Nakita!
    I like how you chose to dress up,
    keep up the good work!

  2. Good job Nakita I love your warriors top. Did you have fun dressing up? I did. Keep up the cool work.

  3. Wow Nakita!!!
    I really liked the T-shirt and I liked how you chose him because its your step dad likes him
    Keep it up!

  4. Wow Nakita
    Great costume.
    I like your choice.
    It is cool that you chose someone that your dad liked.
    Keep up the cool costumes.
    Well done!

  5. Wow Nakita!
    You wore a fabulous costume that day.
    I like how you represented the warriors rugby team.
    It is great how you chose to wear that costume because your dad like it's.
    Well done:)

  6. Awesome Nakita
    I like your post
    I like how you put a photo with it
    Keep up the good work
    Well done


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